  • 1948 - establishment of the Energy Management Institute (EGI) for post-war reconstruction of energy infrastructure.

  • 1954 - two Professors of the Budapest University of Technology (Dr. László Heller and Dr. László Forgó) developed the Heller System® dry cooling system for power plants, the great advantage of which is that it does not consume water at all compared to previous water-intensive solutions.

  • 1989 - the development of an ash management solution for coal-fired power plants began. The patented solution called Circumix® enables the environmentally friendly disposal of the resulting ash.

  • 1990s - EGI became a leading energy designer, manufacturer and contractor in the Hungarian energy market, with serious export markets (1,300 employees).

  • 1992 - during the privatization, the German GEA group acquired EGI and integrated it into its power plant business.

  • 2003 - GEA EGI established a subsidiary in Beijing and a heat exchanger factory in Wuquing (80 km from Beijing). (Both companies are 100% owned by the Hungarian company) ENEXIO Cooling Syst. Trad. (Beijing) Co. Ltd & ENEXIO Cooling Systems (China) Co. Ltd.

  • 2014 - GEA sold the Heat Exchanger business to a German financial investor, to Triton Partners, which continued to operate under the new name ENEXIO (www.enexio.com), with which EGI also operated in the future as ENEXIO Hungary Zrt.

  • 2016 - ENEXIO Hungary closed and liquidated its heat exchanger plant in Jászberény, Hungary and installed the entire production in China.

  • 2019 - Triton started the sale of the ENEXIO Dry Cooling business, including the ENEXIO Hungary Zrt. in it.

  • 2020 - ENEXIO Hungary Zrt. and its two Chinese subsidiaries are acquired by MVM Group www.mvm.hu.

  • 2021 - ENEXIO Hungary becomes MVM EGI.